by admin | Sep 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
With Doc L off doing his first ( 300k) audax ride anything we did was going to be tame in comparison . However our chief elevationist returned from Deutschland to keep us honest . Peter ,having sustained rib fractures in his attempt to take out Kenny last weekend ...
by admin | Sep 22, 2019 | SpecialEvents, Uncategorized
See his blog at link below …very impressive.
by admin | Sep 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
SLAUGHTER XII (2019) Its looking like Saturday 19tth October 9 am, so loads of time to train 🙂 .Starting point forest office . A Reminder *It is NOT a race , not even a sportive , nor a challenge . If you want any of these see Mr McCabe . * At the risk of boring you...
by admin | Sep 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
In which … I managed to delete most of the photographs , PS had a nasty cold Scullion was recovering from a nasty tummy Kenny had nasty bouncy suspension Peter was broken and had a nasty spill nearly killing Kenny in the process. Tim was late but still nastily...