In Which : Brian Scullion arrives late ……..nothing new there. Kieran Duffy goes swimming. Well as he came in shorts it would have been rude not to. Cormac mis-calculates speed and grip ratio resulting in a gravitational failure. John (Sco) completes his...

Only 9 sleeps till Santa brings that new bike.

Or in some cases he came early ,with Doc Lewis arriving on yet another Lime green aberration . It took the cycling industry 25 years to get round to good suspension ,but oh no …its back to rigid all round for the good doctor , I hope he has no loose fillings ....

December Arrives on time Scullion Late

The early birds , Kenny ,Robbie and Cormac had started at 8 with a bin run and met COC , PS, and the convalescent John (SCO) back at the glen at 9 . Scullion true to form caught us up as we headed for fiddlers , top burma and a slide down the mountain to the wall...