by admin | Sep 16, 2017 | Saturday
Kenny is unavoidably detained for the next 10 years , just so that we don’t all forget him ,his likeness is in this picture , answers on a post card to NTSR child care services , Banbridge .Oh and by the way ..where’s John (SCO) …emigrated? We did...
by admin | Sep 9, 2017 | Saturday
The weather was fine this morning till Robbie opened his mouth after which of course it lashed . Kenny surprised us with a visit following the recent arrival of James Kenneth this week , he is obviously starting as he means to go on ……we’ll see how...
by admin | Sep 2, 2017 | Saturday
No prize for guessing the musical clue . Quote of the day from Robbie :”you can’t out train a bad diet” or words to that effect . In any case I understood what it meant as the svelte Mr Suffern breezed past me on the hills . His 77KG seemingly...