Hard Tail Trials

Following last weeks cracking spin I was reduced to my old hardtail , the one I took to the trans alp in 2002 when Mr Power and Mr Hull were still in nappies . In those days it had a generous 80 mm travel on the forks , how managed I do not know , every bone in my...

A Cracking Good Spin

The title is somewhat misleading as most folk were tired and looking an early exit , MR Power and Kenny were not there to keep order so the planned Formal loop turned into a mild mannered Knockshee /Bath / Fallow loop . Herself baled before we turned for knockshee....

Hydrophobia with Not The Sunday Rossi

This mornings forecast was inclement although that did not stop our hardy Scotsman doing castle bog , Hootsmon to him . Kenny was out trying not to let Emma wreck her Da’s rally car, Tim had a feeble excuse , Mr Power had none that we know of . I had an attack...

Wild Wanderings with the Wilsons

In which John Falls off , I fall off.. on John , Sandras Bike fails the Chameleon test , Kenny wants more and Liz wants less. Through the Bush telegraph Kenny had arranged a rendezvous with the Wilsons and a few others at whatever the Sportsman is called now. Michaels...

Old Skool

In which Doc Lewis cleans a post , Kenny goes arse over tit and we get back to our roots . Just Scullion , Kenny , Doc Lewis , Mr Power , Herself and COC today . Castle bog was the goal but we livened it up a bit with some sliart at the start then up the long mile...