by admin | Feb 28, 2015 | Saturday
Cormac returned today having spent the GNP of Ireland on his new shed , we await the shed warming party .His own bike was sick ( of him?) and he arrived On-One of the most interesting steeds we have seen for a while , a Hard tail which caused him some discomfort...
by admin | Feb 21, 2015 | Saturday
In the abscence of Mr Kinbote , Sky took the reins with route planning . Mr Kinbote although absent was well represented by his brother Scott Kinbote and like his sibling set off like a scalded cat unhindered by the dense undergrowth on his face . Up to fiddlers ,...
by admin | Feb 7, 2015 | Saturday
The sun was shining on Cloughmore road as I selected my cycling garb , shorts seemed a reasonable choice and as I pedalled merrily to the Glen all was well with the world . A select bunch awaited , Mr Power managed to tear himself away from the worlds slowest and most...